Discord Embed Limits
If you plan on using embed responses for your bot you should know the limits of the embeds on Discord or you will get Invalid Form Body
- Embed title is limited to 256 characters
- Embed description is limited to 4096 characters
- An embed can contain a maximum of 25 fields
- A field name/title is limited to 256 character and the value of the field is limited to 1024 characters
- Embed footer is limited to 2048 characters
- Embed author name is limited to 256 characters
- The total of characters allowed in an embed is 6000
Now if you need to get over this limit (for example for a help command), you would need to use pagination. There are several ways to do that:
- A library called disputils
- An experimental library made by the discord.py developer called discord-ext-menus
- Make your own setup using wait_for() and wait for a reaction to be added